

Terms and conditions

Madison IFM and client

Agreement for Professional Services


Terms and Conditions


Madison IFM will:

  • Give breakdowns of billable time on a regular and reasonable basis
  • Make best efforts to keep within agreed targets for each approved consulting activity.
  • Adhere to any fixed price contract that has been agreed
  • Ensure that any changes to scope will be agreed between principles
  • Provide strict confidentiality with regard to sensitive information obtained from or about the client during the working relationship


Fees for services

Fees will be billed on a monthly basis. Payment is required within 14 days of receipt of our invoice. All prices are excluding Dutch BTW and will be billed in Euros.

The client agrees to cover extra travel costs, hotel bills, meals.

Reasonable phone and other incidental costs (postage, express mail, messengers etc. are included).

Duplication of handout materials will be done at client costs.


Payment terms:

The client and Madison IFM are engaging in a fee-for-service relationship. Madison IFM is an independent contractor, responsible for setting its own hours, providing its own place of work and tools.

All invoices are due 14 days after the date of issue of our invoice. All unpaid invoices shall begin to accrue 12% annual interest, 1% per month, from 30 days after the invoice date.



In the event of cancellation of scheduled pre-agreed activities, fees will be billed to the client as follows: Cancellation more than 14 days prior – 50% of total contracted fee. Cancellation less than 14 days prior, but more than 7 days prior – 75 % of contracted fee. Cancellation within 7 days of scheduled date – 100% of contracted fee. Cancellations, in the first instance, may be made by telephone or e-mail. However, all cancellations must be confirmed by letter or fax signed by client or client representative.


In event of postponement of pre-agreed activities by the client, fees will be billed as follows: Postponement more than 14 days prior – an additional 25% of total contracted fee. Postponement less than 14 days prior, but more than 7 days prior – an additional 37.5 % of total contracted fee. Postponement within 7 days of scheduled training date – an additional 50% of contracted fee.

Alterations to future Terms and Conditions:

Madison IFM reserves the right to change these terms and conditions and will inform the client in writing of any such change.

Governing Law:

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of The Netherlands, which shall claim venue and jurisdiction for any legal motion or claim arising from this Agreement.


I have read and understand this Agreement





_____________________________________                   ___________________





_____________________________________                   ___________________

Authorised signature(s)                                                  Title




____________________________________                     ___________________

Date                                                                                     Place





Accepted by:






_____________________________________                   ___________________


Suzan Pecyna                                                                    Date


Madison IFM




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