

How we do it


madison ifm is the trading name of Suzan Pecyna plus a network of associates in Europe and the Middle East.
We work with the Senior Management of international companies who primarily use English as their business language.



Deliverables include advice, strategies, communications plans, facilitation and training packages, stakeholder maps and communications process documentation that can all be used by in-house communications professionals or by leaders themselves.


Eradicate problems, ease pain caused by change, save money, build a strong internal brand, create commercial awareness, efficiency and best practice in communications teams.



Before project kick off, before information reaches the staff, before the consultation process begins, before any investment in communication tools.



Suzan and associates have worked in the USA, Asia, the Middle East and throughout Europe, delivering the services described in the Past Project section. We are willing and able to travel anywhere and many of our services are also available virtually.


No off the shelf services available – each product or service from madison ifm is developed to address your specific problem or need. If 20 years of experience has taught me anything, it’s that every client is different, every department within every company, within each sector and from continent to continent – all different but with enough factors in common that they can all learn from the best practice and principles that madison ifm can share.

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The path to success is to take massive, determined action.

- Anthony Robbins -

Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.

- Paul J. Meyer -