

Past Projects

BP (Dyce, Aberdeen, Scotland) (Digital Business Communication Unit) (2001 to 2002)

Change Management Communications for IT in BP’s UK Continental Shelf

Business Case: BP were transforming their IT hardware, software, data storage and service over a 3 year period, under the banner of Transforming the Base – all projects involved an element of rapid change and complex stakeholder buy-in. 


Process for Choice: changing service levels to the business by offering them during a timeframe of a few months a series of options, thereby educating about the service they currently receive. Deliverables: facilitated liaisons between Business Information Managers, reporting and project management. 

eExpenses: culture change – gently enforcing removal of paper system for claiming expenses and introducing (resistant) users to electronic system throughout the UKCS. Deliverables: all campaign materials, culture change training for senior managers, acted as liaison between Accenture and BP, facilitated project meetings, reported on progress.

TBoP: migration of users to the new data storage facility, resulting in potential loss of data if the individual would not take actions on specified dates. Downtime was a necessity due the nature of the work – the balance had to be managed with the business very carefully.  Deliverables: stakeholder management, themes, all materials, acted as focal point for comments/complaints/concerns.

Fibre: an exciting move toward Fibre telecommunications in the North Sea (laying Fibre Cable out to the Forties Field) – a coup for BP but an investment that required buy-in from senior management and external PR to secure interest from other oil companies. Deliverables: full campaign internal and external, including support for launch at Offshore Europe.

TtB: umbrella project, mostly visible to the user in the form of new laptops, new software and a change to the current knowledge management system. Deliverables: campaign materials, facilitated regular discussions with the business, acted as focal point.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Reduction of resistance within UKCS population towards IT services

•             Improved working relationships between Business Information Managers and the business

•             Significant cost savings from successful implementation of projects

•             Effective rationalisation of hardware, software development and data migration

These projects were in association with Fifth Business, Aberdeen, Scotland.



Shell – Group CIO’s Office (The Hague, Netherlands) (2003 to 2004)

Change Communication Manager for the IT for Shell function during IT Vision

Business Case: In the most rapid and far reaching shake up of the IT function worldwide, the new CIO required support in culture change, organisational transformation and internal news delivery to key stakeholders for the programme. 

Launched IT Vision internally, globally, a plan to reduce, retrain and retain key IT personnel (over 10 thousand Shell staff and contractors).

Deliverables:  communication strategy for roll out of IT for Shell rationalising plans, messaging and stakeholder management for the Group CIO, speechwriting/video script writing for key senior leaders, separate comms plans for Downstream and Oil Products, two highly resistant areas of the business, roadshows for the Group CIO to introduce his radical plans to the media and to the internal audiences in London, Kuala Lumpur, Houston and Perth (W.A).

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Successful offshoring of apps development and telecommunications to 3rd parties

•             Streamlined IT workforce in key locations in the Shell World

•             Avoided delays or costly interventions

•             Timely sign off from the Dutch Works Council

This project was in association with Fifth Business, Aberdeen, Scotland.



BP European Desktop Transformation Programme (multiple European locations) (2004)

Change communication to support outsourcing on a huge scale across Europe

Business Case: Outsourcing the IT helpdesk for every mainland Europe BP office to contractor Fujitsu would save millions of Euros. Customers would be offered support in their own language. New service levels would be set for the business, replacing an outdated set of procedures – new procedures would now be in line with modern business demands. The business information managers were extremely sceptical of the service they would receive and many IT support staff jobs were under threat.

Delivering a change communication strategy and implementation plan for communication campaigns in 23 languages in 16 countries over a 6 month period. Travelling to each location to engage with site management – 3 countries per week.

Deliverables:- project change management for European Desktop Transformation, managed stakeholder expectations – bridged communication gap between supplier (Fujitsu), BP site IT management and the business, communications project management for production and distribution of materials in 23 languages in 16 countries. 

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Calm and reassured business information managers and site managers

•             IT staff reallocated to other roles or taking voluntary redundancy

•             Thoroughly informed stakeholders throughout BP Europe

•             A successful handover to Fujitsu, making significant cost savings and streamlining processes 

This project was in association with Fifth Business, Aberdeen, Scotland.



BP Advanced Collaborative Environments Programme (Sunbury, London) (2004)

Enabling real time communication with offshore, onshore.

Business Case: BP led the way in onshore/offshore technology centres, collaborating real time with shared data to secure operational synergy throughout the supply chain.  Buy-in was required to secure and maintain large, ongoing funding for the programme. Offshore employees were extremely resistant to being watched while they worked but in reality it was data and reporting from the platforms that was of interest to “the beach” not what employees were doing.

Quote from client:  “If we look at what BP will look like in the future, we see a very different company - a hyper-connected, highly visual, collaborative company.  Digital is a fundamental part of ensuring BP's success in 2020 and beyond.  The ACE program is a classic example of how digital underpins the business - bringing the right digital technologies together with the right people at the right time, creating an environment where people can work collaboratively regardless of distance, while enabling enhanced productivity. This type of technological breakthrough is imperative for our success tomorrow and the future.”

Morag Watson, VP E&P DCT

Deliverables: change communication strategy, stakeholder plan and integrated management system for the project. Co-created the technology centre design and layout by consulting with key personnel who would be making decisions in the controlled atmospheres, both on and offshore.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Through effective change management and stakeholder communication, the project secured funding for the collaboration centres

•             Equipped BP champions to gain buy in from key stakeholders 

•             The global advanced collaborative environments were built, in key locations, providing a new way of working through the use of technology, collaborative support and remote management capabilities

•             Transformational change was made in the effectiveness of the business – several centres developed in key BP locations - increased collaboration using these networked operations support centres

This project was in association with Fifth Business, Aberdeen, Scotland.



Shell – Exploration & Production IT Architecture (Rijswijk, Netherlands) (2005 to 2006)

Building a bridge between IT Architects and the Upstream Business Worldwide

Business Case: Relations were strained between IT Architects and their nominated business contact upstream – the development of a robust IT architecture for production was key to business performance but the feeling was that the business did not understand this or allow time for its development. This resulted in delays, poor advice and efficiencies not realised.

Deliverables: Developed a new community of practice, focusing on business value and success stories. Built and maintained a wiki of IT architecture terms accessible to the business. Created the content for a new section of the intranet, focusing on relationships between the architects and the business. Edited all the IT Architects’ materials to remove the “geek speak” and write in a way which would be understood and embraced by those more commercially aware. Found and communicated success stories of where IT Architecture has created efficiency and performance improvement opportunities.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

A mature and functioning community of practice, efficient global knowledge sharing, smooth relations between architects and the upstream business, both on and offshore.  Delivered clarity on strategy, ensured alignment with the business and created a united team of global and functional leaders.

•             Clear strategy in place for communications

•             Created a usable knowledge management system

•             Raised awareness of IT Architecture within the Shell business and enabled key engagements with the business resulting in the development of line of business architectures

•             Increased visits to intranet by 600% in 6 months

•             Architects now able to engage the business with the story of architecture 

•             Created a clean and edited document set + rules in place to prevent problems

•             Clear, accessible and sustainable communication tools, made available to all architects

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.



Nissan (Motor Company Ltd) (Paris, France and Rolle, Switzerland) (2007 to 2008)

Managing resistance to the move of the Nissan management team to the newly built corporate headquarters in Rolle, Switzerland.

Business Case: Headquarters of Nissan in Europe had been in Paris but for several reasons (which I cannot discuss here) it was decided to build an ecologically sustainable, stunning new headquarter building in Rolle, near Geneva in Switzerland.  Senior Management would move to Rolle, employees would stay in Paris.

Resistance came from the employees, the media and the French government who felt that Nissan was turning its back on Paris. Rumours became rife that a restructuring move would result in a complete withdrawal from Paris and that this would be just phase one of that.

Deliverables: A complex and comprehensive messaging platform was developed for use internally and externally. Worked with senior management on internalising the messaging. Trained Nissan Europe’s Vice Presidents in handling questions from their teams and in engaging key stakeholders. Advised on change communication strategy and the formation of working groups.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             A relatively fuss free move to Rolle

•             No damage to reputation

•             Participants had a toolkit of messages, answering techniques and process to handle questions confidently

•             Employees were given the reassurances that they needed/productivity protected

•             Working groups were developed to address outstanding issues in the various practical areas that remained.

This project was in association with Media in English BV, Amsterdam.



QSN B.V. (Sassenheim, Netherlands) (Quality Management) (2009)

Middle management career development

Business Case: To develop the staff consultants to prevent too much independent working, create a gelled team, persuade them to share knowledge and create “rainmakers” (leveraging sales at the companies they consulted at.)

Deliverables: tailor made coaching programme, delivered on site for a day per month for 6 months, stakeholder management and plan,

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Introduced virtual working tools, techniques and processes

•             Created the united team and the knowledge sharing culture

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.



Nidera Handelsblad N.V. (Rotterdam, Netherlands) (2009)

Middle management career development/internal comms strategy

Business Case: To develop the Head of Marketing’s communication skills and create a strategy to start connecting staff in a meaningful way throughout the global organisation.

Deliverables: tailor made coaching programme, stakeholder map, implementation plan, ideas

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Coached Head of Marketing through creating a Global Internal Communications function

•             Developed stakeholder management planning to gain buy-in and funding for marketing plans

•             Created employee engagement during global restructure

•             Raised visibility of the Head of Marketing and of the new CEO

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.

Marsh Nederland B.V. (Insurance) (Rotterdam, Netherlands) (2010)

Board personnel related crisis management

Business Case: Highly confidential, board personnel crisis exposing client to severe levels of risk.

Deliverables: messaging platform for dealing with media enquiries, developed stakeholder management, implemented a crisis plan, created and hosted a “town hall” meeting to deal with internal stakeholder concerns.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Reduced risk and improved reputation of leadership (measured by survey)

•             No damage to reputation

This project was in association with Media in English BV, Amsterdam.



ING Bank (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2010 to 2011)

Acting Global Head of Internal Communications during the bank’s global support functions reorganisation

Business Case: To create “one bank” (centralised) in response to the banking crisis, it was necessary to draw together strategic internal communications staff from various support functions and business

Deliverables: IC change management plan for Banking supporting the crisis response/change agenda. Provided functional steering for IC across the bank and set the IC policy. Coordinated the execution and measurement of global IC initiatives in the regions/locally. Conducted measurement and evaluation of IC activities globally. Provided IC advice and support to the CEO and CFO.  Defined and delivered global IC infrastructure, channels and messaging for all Banking staff. Drew together strategic internal communications staff from various support functions and business lines to create a centralised team for Head Office Global communications.  Delivered communications for the Support function reorganisation and the “Readiness project” (operational split between Bank and Insurance, prior to announcing an IPO). Onboarded the permanent Global Head of Internal Communications.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Fully operational centralised, rationalised Global Comms team within 8 months

•             Revised service model for each communications professional established with business portfolio, servicing multiple divisions or functions in order to give best results at lowest cost

•             United strategy, messaging and consistency of purchasing of materials giving significant cost savings and excellence 

•             Revised communication service model for key internal customers, including OIB, Commercial Banking and ING Direct

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.



Philips (Koninklijke Philips N.V.) (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2012)

Creating engagement among key internal and external stakeholders around the Philips Global “Market to Order” programme (prior to company-wide rollout of Salesforce software).

Business Case: sharing of sales information cross divisions was critical to the success of the restructured global Philips business. The objective was to drive change and create a resource-driven, customer-centric performance culture.

Deliverables: Built and facilitated workshops and steering meetings. Developed a detailed, participative stakeholder map and management strategy. Designed, planned and delivered a 3 day offsite event bringing together business leaders from all over the Philips world. Handled all pre-event communications and fed back outcomes/ongoing work back into the business.  Change Comms Strategy and implementation. Created and delivered a global benefits video sub-project, shown globally on the Philips News Network.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Synergy across the sales function, buy-in from senior stakeholders

•             A successful long term community of practice

•             A sustainable template for ongoing benefits video input

•             Increased uptake of the software platform

•             Enhanced sales relationships between global divisions

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.



Philips (Koninklijke Philips N.V.) Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2012 to 2013)

Ensuring real estate savings by revolutionising the Amsterdam workplace (focusing on performance rather than presence).

Business Case: Real Estate costs for 2 Philips buildings in Amsterdam had been tenable and logical in the old business structure but with the Global launch of the Accelerate programme timed with the technical ability to work anywhere at any time this was a golden opportunity for change. Huge savings would be made by combining the 2 buildings and creating a cross division and cross functional workspace, drawing in staff from Lighting, Healthcare and Consumer Lifestyle products. The gains from cross functional collaboration are obvious but hard to quantify. 


1.            External and Internal Communications in the context of this project  – digital outputs, planned events, proactive engagements, reactive discussions, interaction in Connect Us, surveying and intranet

2.            Operational change management – developing proactive communications to align with project planning in order to support office and building changes

3.            Strategic change management – to support the operational change management – proactive and reactive communications designed to manage resistance to culture change, behavioral change and policy change

4.            Project Management of communications to support steering committee, 15 sub projects, the architects, the lighting team, internal project managers and contract project managers.

5.            Stakeholder Management in huge and ongoing detail throughout the term of the project.

6.            Culture – How we do what we do, how it feels to work in the Philips Center, the unwritten rules of output/face time/reporting/collaboration/discretionary effort/passion

Drew in best practice from successful WPI projects in other Philips locations and outside the sector.

Created communities inside enterprise social media and drove positive comments and success stories into the communities.

Breitner Tower in Amsterdam was transformed into a 21 floor centre of excellence/flexible workspace.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Changed the workforce into a group of collaborative, inspired knowledge workers, focused on performance rather than presence

•             Multi millions of Euros in real estate savings were made

•             Effective launch of “new ways of working” and roll out of IT equipment, software and enterprise social media.

•             A long term communications plan is in place to support all elements of the change, both practical and emotional. The objective was to minimise disruption and to ensure that the staff embraced the new concept with open arms, in order to reap the benefits for the business. This was achieved.

•             Created and equipped hundreds of positive ambassadors, including leaders who moved to the new way of working to show a good example. (Everyone moved out of their closed offices/ivory towers. Vice presidents and board members are now sitting open plan.)

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.



SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation) (The Hague, Netherlands) (2013 to 2014)

Creating engagement with the new Brand and developing a commercial culture in an NGO.

Business Case: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is a non-profit, international development organisation, established in the Netherlands in 1965 – the global economic crisis has resulted in a reduction of government funding, therefore requiring huge change in the organisation’s culture.  Stakeholder management had become critical, best practice that can be demonstrated to donor had become critical, in order to justify increased funding from private foundations, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and similar. 

Delivered over a 2 year period:

Deliverables: Consulting advice, workshops and steering meetings for the new governance, a detailed, participative stakeholder map and management strategy.  Co-created and rolled out a refreshing new brand, internally and externally. Developed Culture Change Communications Strategy and implemented it.

Measurable Results/Benefits:

•             Effective brand awareness – measured by internal surveys

•             Noticeable move towards professionalising and commercialising project managers and staff

•             Clear stakeholder management system in place and used by senior management

•             Culture change being measured by regional directors – this is a slower change and effects take time but so far have reported satisfactory progress

Madison IFM directly contracted to provide this project.

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